

Everyday is a fresh start and we must focus on that. Today can be the day you make a change, make a difference, or start a new lease on life. In order for us to live a happy and successful day, we must walk hand in hand with Jesus.

If there is something, someone, some place or anything in your life that leads you away from God, or that keeps you out of prayer, away from fellowship with other believers, or distracts you from reading the Bible, it would be wise to remove that thing from your life.

Staying focused on God requires abiding in Him. I know our mornings can be rushed, but if we create the discipline to spend the first minutes of our day reading the Word of God and talking to Him about the day ahead, we will have greater focus on Him throughout the day.

If we start our day with simple frustrations like making sure we leave the house on time for work or getting frustrated at someone for pulling out in front of you on the way there, then your day will only spiral downwards. Yes, these things are annoying, but we must trust that everything happens for a reason and the Lord is at work.

Dear heavenly father, you are my rock and my fortress, you are my shield and my strong tower. Help me to anchor myself to you, teach me to stay focussed on you and you alone. Amen

James Kirk



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